Am gasit de curand semnificatia cuvantului SPAT pe wikipedia, un obiect/accesoriu de care uitasem ca exista (desi l-am tot vazut in filme vechi)
"Spats were stiff fabric covers covering the top of the shoe and extending up the lower part of the leg. Spats, especially white ones on highly-polished black shoes, formed part of the stereotype dress of a wealthy young man of the era, along with a top hat and a cane. Other common colours were grey, tan, and black. Though often a fashion accessory, wool felt spats were also worn to keep the ankles warm. Commonly worn as upper-class city dress prior to World War I, spats fell out of fashion during the late 1920s, although retained until the 1940s as formal daytime dress for men on occasions such as weddings and other social events. A short female version, usually in beige, was popular during the Edwardian era (1902-14).
Spats were an evolution of the 18th-Century "spatterdashes," a version of the similar (but strictly practical rather than decorative) articles known as gaiters that are still worn today, to prevent water getting into walking boots. The 18th century spatterdash was a protective item of dress worn by soldiers, farmers and others� whose occupation involved regular exposure to rain and mud. It reached above the knee and was kept in place by side-buttons and buckles."en.wikipedia.org
Si iata si evolutia lor inspre arta : Posso the Spat este� marca de accesorii din New York, ai carei designeri au reinventat vechiul SPAT intr-un mod foarte original. Le poti purta peste cizmulite, pantof deschis sau inchis, sandale romane etc. Si ce-i mai grozav este ca poti sa schimbi "fata" incaltamintei tale oricand ai tu chef!!!
Cred ca o sa vorbesc cu cizmarul meu preferat sa vad cat m-ar costa si cat de greu e de incercat o aventura din cateva bucatele de piele naturala!! Oricum vreau o pereche macar, probabil din piele gri, si una din tweed cadrilat, pe care o sa mi-o confectionez singura!
sursa: http://anais.flu.ro/